Vintage Cellars

Food Pairings

Recipe: A Modern Turkey Stuffing

Take a modern twist on traditional flavours for this year’s Christmas Lunch celebration.

Take a modern twist on traditional flavours for this year’s Christmas Lunch celebration. Turkey with a homemade pomegranate stuffing is a beautiful reworking of the classic dish.

It partners well with a Sparkling Shiraz. We recommend you try The Black Chook Sparkling Shiraz, a South Australian award-winner that is best enjoyed with turkey this Christmas.

You’ll Need: 
– 1 small loaf sourdough bread, crusts removed
– 200ml milk
– 2 eggs
– 1 pomegranate, seeds removed
– 100g currants
– 100g pistachios
– 1 small bunch sage
– Salt and pepper

Step 1. Soak the bread in milk.
Step 2. Chop the sage and pistachios.
Step 3. Add two eggs and squish through the soggy bread.
Step 4. Mix pomegranate seeds, currants, sage and pistachios and add to bread mix. 
Step 5. Shape stuffing mixture into log and wrap in foil. 
Step 6. Cook at 180 degrees for 20 minutes.