Get out of the vodka, lime & soda rut with these crowd-pleasing vodka cocktail recipes, easy enough to try at home!
For such a crowd-pleasing and highly versatile spirit, vodka is still vastly misunderstood. It has been accused in the past of having no taste, no scent and no substance.
Those in the know (and the entire population of Russia) disagree; vodka can be complex and the good stuff can certainly stand up for itself. Since a bottle of this white spirit is an essential for any home bar, here are five simple vodka cocktails to make at home. No excuse to stick in a vodka, lime and soda rut now.
Making a martini is a wonderful way to dispel the myth that vodka has little flavour. Proportions of spirit to vermouth and methods vary at whim. Consider this easy recipe your starting point for further exploration.
Pour one tablespoon of Dolin Vermouth Dry each into two chilled cocktail glasses and swirl to coat. Shake 3/4 cup of chilled BLCK Vodka in a cocktail shaker with ice for around 20 seconds and then strain into glasses. Garnish with one to three green olives.
Now this cocktail is definitely not a martini, but it has become something of a national obsession in Australia. Legend has it that the Espresso Martini was invented in London by renowned barman Dick Bradsell when an incognito 80s supermodel brashly ordered something to wake her up, then shake her up (in a less polite fashion). Just don’t sip these too close to bedtime.
Pour 50ml 23rd Street Australian Vodka, 10ml Kahlua, one chilled strong espresso, sugar syrup (to taste) and ice into a cocktail shaker. Shake for around 20 seconds and strain into a cocktail glass. Garnish with three coffee beans or chocolate-coated coffee beans if you’re feeling really fancy.
Good things come to those who wait. If you have the patience, this infused-vodka will reward you with warming fragrance and flavours to ward off the chilly season. Winter Vodka is just like Christmas in July in a glass!
In a large glass jar with lid, combine 2 cinnamon sticks, 2 tablespoons whole star anise, the peel of 2 oranges, 1/8 cup whole cloves and 225 grams of sultanas. Pour over a bottle of Archie Rose vodka and store in the refrigerator for a week or until flavours have developed to your liking. Strain and enjoy on the rocks with an orange twist, or with orange juice or soda water.
The disco-era Cosmopolitan experienced a 90s revival thanks to a certain Ms. Bradshaw. These days, a pretty-in-pink Cosmo is probably no longer the cocktail du jour to be seen sipping in a serious bar. So making your own at home with quality ingredients allows you to see how refined the drink can be, sans the embarrassment of actually ordering one in public.
Pour 40ml Grey Goose Vodka, 15ml Cointreau, 30ml cranberry juice, 15ml fresh lime juice and ice into a cocktail shaker. Shake for around 20 seconds and strain into a cocktail glass. Float a round slice of lime on top.
If you’ve bravely attempted all of the above vodka cocktail recipes, you’ll likely be craving a Bloody Mary the next day. This drink is perfect to make when you have friends coming over for brunch. Mix up a batch by the jug or set up a DIY Bloody Mary bar so guests can make it taste exactly as they prefer. The cocktail is also fitting as a complete breakfast for one all by itself, with some added toppings of course. You might have seen Bloody Mary’s monstrously topped-off with fried pickles, crispy bacon or entire mini-burgers, but do start out simple with the version below.
Pour 45ml Belvedere Vodka, 90ml tomato juice, 15ml fresh lemon juice, 2 to 3 dashes of Worcestershire Sauce, Tabasco, celery salt and cracked black pepper (all to taste) into a highball glass with ice and stir. Garnish with a stick of celery and a lemon wedge.
These vodka cocktail recipes should be enticement enough to dig out that bottle of vodka stashed in the back of your freezer and get mixing tonight.